Top tips for saving money when going through a divorce or separation
The current cost of living crisis puts an additional strain on families going through a separation or divorce.
If you find yourself facing a separation or divorce, and you don’t know how you will afford to get the help from professionals you need to sort everything out, here are some tips:
- Consider trying to resolve matters in family mediation. The time mediation takes, and the costs of family mediation, are usually much less than going to court or lengthy negotiations between solicitors;
- On any given day, if you think of questions for your solicitor, try sending these all in one email, rather than several emails across the day, to save your solicitor time and therefore you, money;
- Make notes of the points you want to cover with your solicitor before your meeting or telephone call to save time, get the most out of your discussions and save legal fees;
- Keep your communications between you and your ex-partner/spouse as civil and friendly as possible (despite possibly really challenging circumstances) to reduce the risk of any animosity escalating which is more likely to end up in court;
- Consider the collaborative process which provides you with the professional support you may need and want, but avoids the costs of going to court;
- Consider family arbitration to provide a binding decision which can be much quicker than going to court, and can therefore save legal fees in the long run; and
- Get the help and support you need from a counsellor, family and/or friends to give you the space to offload and process. Whilst your solicitor and/or mediator can listen and help as best they can, you don’t want to spend your money for this time when others are better placed to assist you anyway.
If you would like more information about family mediation, the collaborative process, arbitration or need help or advice about a family law matter please contact Sarah French on 01962 841484 or